Behind the Scenes. Sesja wizerunkowa od zaplecza.


Tym razem opisze Wam jak powstala sesja wizerunkowa dla Asi, ktora jest projektantka wnetrz (click i zobaczysz jej prace) Warunkiem bylo aby powstaly zdjecia, ktore Asia mogla by uzyc na swojej stronie internetowej, mediach społecznościowych oraz całym PR. Po konsultacji doszlismy do wniosku, ze fajnie by bylo stworzyc taki pakiet kilku roznych zdjec zeby mozna bylo je swobodnie wymieniac, zastepowac czy uzywac w zaleznosci od kontekstu publikacji, wywiadu itp - najbardziej spodobal man sie pomysl stworzenia sesji w jej srodowisku niekoniecznie chodzilo tu o typowe zdjecie “za biurkiem”. Wybralismy jedna z realizacji Asi jako “tło” do naszej sesji. Niewykonczony w pełni dom jednego z Asi klientow przypadl nam do gustu i byl w zasiegu reki. Meble w paczkach, puste sciany, niezagospodarowana przestrzen byla idealna.


This time I will take you behind the scenes with me so you can see/experience how I did this image for Joanna, interior designer. After pre-consultation, we both decided that we will need a selection of nice positive, images that we would like to use for her Website, social media, PR/Marketing or publications. We did not want the standard “behind the desk”, formal images and we have chosen to use one of her projects (unfurnished house) as a background to our shots. Lovely new build house with great empty space was a great choice.



Jak w przypadku wiekszosci przypadkow podczas naszej sesji byl moment kiedy mielismy wykonane “safe shots” czyli takie zdjecia ktore sobie zalozylismy ze je wykonamy i przychodzi ten moment kiedy zostalo troche czasu na “sprobowanie” czegos innego. Asia zajela sie rozmowa ze swoja klientka/kolezanka, wlascicielka domu. W tym czasie z Pawlem moim asystentem postanowilismy sporbowac “odtworzyc” zachod slonca i to pieknne miekkie slonce wpadajace przez ramie w strone aparatu. Slonce schowalo sie za drzewami za horyzontem ale nie bylo jeszcze ciemno.


Like during most of my photoshoots there is a space to try something now or something of the list that could benefit you and your client, worth to try for sure. We have covered “safe shots” from our brief so this was a perfect time. Joanna was chatting with her client/friend - owner of this property and I took my assistant - Pawel and we have decided to recreate the sunset, this lovely golden hour with nice soft flare. Real sun just went behind the trees over the horizon.


Zdjecia zrobione aparatem NIKON D800 + 24-70mm f/2.8 NIKKOR. ISO 200, 52mm, f/2.8, 1/125. Do odtworzenia slonca uzylem bezprzewodowej lampy firmy PROFOTO B1 w trybie manualnym (metoda prob i bledow). Lampa byla ustawione ok 2m za plecami mojej modelki oraz byla skierowana w moim kierunku. Lampa PROFOTO miala odtworzyc zachodzace slonce i wpadajace prosto w moj obiektyw. Ja wykonujac zdjecie musialem tak kadrowac aby Lampa byla tuz poza kadrem. Zauwazcie ze stoimy ok 2m od drzwi taracu - okno tarasowe robi nam za wielki wielka blenda wypelniajaca nam cienie.


Shot on my NIKON D800 + 24-70mm f/2.8 NIKKOR. ISO 200, 52mm, f/2.8, 1/125. To recreate the sunset I have used PROFOTO B1 in manual mode placed around 2m behind my model pointing at me so it could get lens flare. I was balancing my frame in the way the PROFOTO light was just outside the frame. I have used massive window behind me as a fill.


PO LEWEJ - finalowe zdjecie po obrobce z dodanymi cieplymi tonami VS zdjecie prosto z aparatu.


LEFT - final retouched image with added warm tone to recreate sunset VS straight from the camera.

TEST SHOT with my Assistant

TEST SHOT with my Assistant

Kilka wybranych zdjec.

Few selected images.

Joannas work - click here: CLICK


Please if you enjoyed it or you want to see more of Behind the scene leave the comment below😎




Tym razem sesja fotograficzna dla mojego znajomego Bartka. Znamy sie juz od dawna. tak sie zlozylo ze mamy bardzo podobne klasyki. Ja mam Opla Rekorda C z 1971 roku w wersji 2-door. Bartek jest w posiadaniu Opla Commodore A w wersji GS (Coupe) z 1966 roku.

Bartek jest projektantem wnetrz i przez ostatnie 5-6 lat powiecal kazda wolna chwile na prace remontowe przy Commo. Sami zobaczcie czy sie oplacalo. Auto nie jest jeszcze skonczone ale to juz ostatnia prosta…


This time I got to photograph my good friends beautifully restored 1966 Opel Commodore GS 🚗 The idea to do it came over a few minutes.

We know each other for probably around 18years. We both have the same passion for classic cars and we both drive very similar cars. He


Bartek has a very unique car - it is a 1966 Opel Commodore GS 2500cm 6 cylinder with 4 shifts gearbox😏 He has spent over 5-6 years restoring it. Bartosz is an interior designer and after work, he went straight into the garage where he spent long hours with help from his friends. I think it was worth it. Well, I will let you decide. Just so you know the car is not finished yet but it’s on a finishing line….


Pomysl byl calkiem prosty - zainspirowany Bartka pasja do klasykow powstal projekt ktory mielismy zaprezentowac tak jak bysmy robili sesje w stylu LIFESTYLE - EDITORIAL - REKLAMA/MARKETING.


The idea was pretty simple - inspired by Bartek’s story I have decided to shoot a small project and to treat it like a LIFESTYLE - EDITORIAL - ADVERTISING photoshoot.


Co jest wazne podczas takiej sesji? Cos do fotografowania, dobra historia i pozytywna energia. Wszystko zagralo jak powinno. Pamietajcie, najwazniejsze podas takich sesji jest aby bezwarunkowo DOBRZE SIE BAWIC!!!


What is important when you do such photoshoot? Good subject, good jokes and positive energy. When you shoot remember one thing that is crucial - HAVE FUN!!!


Shot on my NIKON D800 with my PROFOTO B1 with double diffused Mid-size Softbox (I haven’t used it for a while). I have decided to shoot this project with one lens only. Why? Because I wanted to focus on the story, not on the fact I have to “find a frame.” My frame was fixed on 50mm. The aperture was between f/2 - f3.5.

Bartosz - Happy owner!!!


There is nothing more satisfying than the fact you did most of this work by yourself - RESPECT!!!

Please if you enjoyed it or you want to see more of Behind the scene leave the comment below😎



I’ve met Kenny while I was working on my own car at friends garage. We got the same idea - as we are all locked down we have lots of “free” time in our hands - let’s do some work on our cars 🚗


Kenny is the happy owner of this VW BEETLE from 69’. This car was in his family since 1969 but it has been parked for over 20 years on the driveway. Unfortunately Kenny’s father has passed away recently and he never managed to put this car back into the original shape. It would be silly to get rid of it so decision was clear - full restoration time!!!😏


It happens that we have had something in common. I own Classic Car as well - Opel Rekord C 1971. It was his father dream and he decided to take over and finish the project. I was nicely surprised by Kenny and his idea of giving a new life into the VW BEETLE.

The idea was pretty simple - inspired by Kenny’s story I have decided to shoot small project and to treat it like a LIFESTYLE - EDITORIAL - ADVERTISING photoshoot.


I must say it was real joy to shoot it. Obviously I had some obstacles and problems - being creative you do not actually think there is a problem. You just carry on and change/adapt things around so you can move on. Those “PROBLEMS” are key factors when you want to progress and develop new ways to shoot.


Due to CORONAVIRUS I had to keep my distance and I had to work on my own but was it a problem? Not at all when you know what you are doing. You need to know how to set up the shoot yourself before you will get to work with the team.


Because it was a small compact shoot I wasn’t shooting tether and during this very sunny day could be very useful thing to have beside you.

Few Behind the scene images for you so you will get the idea.

Shot on my NIKON D800 with my PROFOTO B1 with double diffused Octabox. Most of my shots were done with 50mm f/1.4

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.8, 1/4000 Kenny as a portable C-Stand. Octabox was placed exactly above & slightly in-front of the engine. I cannot imagine to shoot it on any other light than PROFOTO (personal preferences) easy to set up easy to control = ea…

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.8, 1/4000

Kenny as a portable C-Stand. Octabox was placed exactly above & slightly in-front of the engine. I cannot imagine to shoot it on any other light than PROFOTO (personal preferences) easy to set up easy to control = easy life.

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320Final set up was slightly different - Octabox was placed on the right hand side on the same hight so it can look like a sun gets through the back of the car and the black card is actually white on the other side was placed…

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320

Final set up was slightly different - Octabox was placed on the right hand side on the same hight so it can look like a sun gets through the back of the car and the black card is actually white on the other side was placed beside the doors much lower to bounce some of this back light back onto Kenny’s face. Even is was really sunny day I had to “help” the sun as it was around 2pm and I needed this sun to be much lower. Than you shoot into the light but I had to watch out so the light is just on the edge of the frame.

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320 - Do not forget to have fun while shooting 😏😏😏

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320 - Do not forget to have fun while shooting 😏😏😏

Behind the scenes - this was our location. You can see it was a very sunny midday. We did it in between 1-3pm. Profoto was placed high on the C-Stand pointing on the back of my subject. In the final set up it was much closer just under the roof and …

Behind the scenes - this was our location. You can see it was a very sunny midday. We did it in between 1-3pm. Profoto was placed high on the C-Stand pointing on the back of my subject. In the final set up it was much closer just under the roof and blue fabric that you can see on the left imaged. Depend on the position of my subject it went from left top corner to right one.

Please if you enjoyed it or you want to see more of Behind the scene leave the comment below😎