"PEJA" - Ryszard Andrzejewski.



Nikomu, kto urodził się Polakiem chyba nie trzeba przedstawiać tego człowieka. W świecie Polskiego rapu na scenie od 30 lat. Tworzy, promuj, pisze teksty, produkuje i sie nie zatrzymuje co czyni go chodzaca legenda. Legendę, ktora mialem okazje fotografowac podczas naszych spotkań.


Anyone born a Pole probably doesn't need an introduction to this man. He's been on the Polish rap scene for 30 years. He creates, promotes, writes lyrics, produces, and never stops, which makes him a living legend. The legend whom I had the opportunity to photograph during our meetings.



Dlaczego to własnie zdjęcie jest dla mnie ważne - z bardzo prostego powodu. Moje pierwsze zlecenie fotograficzne wykonania sesji artyście zaczęło się właśnie 16 Listopada 2014 roku kiedy to pierwszy raz przed moim obiektywem stanał nikt inny niz “RYCHU - PEJA’. Wyzwanie, emocje, stres ale na pewno była pewność siebie, bo już wtedy znałem Swoje możliwości jeśli chodzi o fotografie.


Why is this photo important to me? For a very simple reason. My first photography assignment to shoot a session for an artist began on November 16, 2014, when none other than "RYCHU - PEJA" stood in front of my lens for the first time. It was a mix of emotions and stress, but there was definitely confidence, because even then I knew my capabilities in photography.



Scena, muzyka, rap z głośników na maxa - to jest piękne i za każdym razem niepowtarzalne. To zdjęcie oddaje całe piękno koncertu - Dajesz z Siebie wszystko na scenie, jesteś w Swoim świecie ale robisz to dla swoich fanów. Ten uścisk z fanem oddaje piękno koncertu. Oby tak dalej RYCHU…


Stage, music, rap blasting from the speakers at max volume - it's beautiful and unique every time. This photo captures the entire beauty of the concert - you give your all on stage, you are in your own world, but you do it for your fans. This embrace with a fan reflects the beauty of the concert. Keep it up.



Zapewne wiecie, ze nie jestem zagorzalym fanem Rapu i Hip-Hopu Polskiego ale mam wielki szacunek dla kazdego wykonawcy. Teksty piosenek sa zawsze bliskie kazdemu z nas i prawdziwe az do bólu. Kazdy znajdzie w jego tekstach swoje odbicie… 30 lat tworczosci PEJI to zapisana codziennosc w jego tekstach piosenek. Piekna i prawdziwa historia.


You probably know that I am not a big fan of Polish Rap and Hip-Hop, but I have great respect for every artist. The lyrics are always relatable to each of us and brutally honest. Everyone can find a reflection of their own experiences in his lyrics, especially if they grew up in the '80s, although his work remains very relevant today. 30 years of PEJA's artistry is a chronicle of everyday life in his songs. A beautiful and true story.

GALON Wychowanek

PEJA 16.11.2014 vs PEJA 17.05.2024

HIGH SCHOOL REUNION (Personal Project)


Being the photographer in my head means to create, to self motivate and to keep developing. Opportunities are everywhere we look, sometimes all we have to do is to make this one simple decision - to pick up your gear and do your job.
My photography floats around people. If you know me you will know I’m a people person - I enjoy meeting and talk to people. I create this aura around myself that people feel good about - this is something that you cannot fake it.

This time I packed my minimal photography / travel set up, smallest reflective umbrella with diffusor + camera, small PROFOTO A10 and I flew to meet and surprise my high school crew after not seeing some of them for over 20 years.

Doing this project I knew only one thing that I don’t know where, I don’t know if they will let me even do it but I knew I have set of skills that I can apply to any case scenario to get the best form them in no time - just like when I photograph actors, musicians etc - I don’t know where I don’t know how but it has to be done like it was done in the studio.

Bycie fotografem postrzegam w swojej glowie jako nieustanne tworzenie, motywowanie i ciagle dazenie do samorozwoju. Wiem, ze okazje do swietnych projektow sa wszedzie tylko czasek musimy po prostu podjac ta jedna decyzja - wziasc aparat i to po prostu zrobic.

Moja fotografia to fotografia ludzi w szerokim wachlarzu tego stwierdzenia, komercja, moda nie ma to znaczenia - jesli mnie znacie to wiecie, ze lubie otaczac sie ludzmi, rozmawiac, zartowac czy po prostu wysluchac. Czasem wydaje mi sie, ze wytrzarzam dookola siebie aure i pomimu kilku minut przebywania z kims potrafie dac sie im poczuc w moim towarzystwie dobrze co przekalda sie pozniej na fotografie (przynajmniej ja tak uwarzam hehe) - tego nie da sie sfalszowac.

Postanowilem spakowac w bagaz podreczny totalne minimum potrzebne mi do wykonania projektu - najmniejsza parasolka + aparat i lampa PROFOTO A10 i polecialem zaskoczyc wszystkich moim projektem. Nie widzielismy sie ponad 20 lat i wydaje mi sie ze nie wszyscy wiedza czym sie zajmuje.

Podejmujac sie tego projektu wiedzialem tylko jedno, jestem w posiadaniu pewnych zdolnosci, dzieki ktorym jestem w stanie wykonac cos fajnego - dokladnie, kiedy musialem wykonac zdjecie / portret jakis znanej osobie - za zwyczaj nie wiedzialem gdzie, nie wiedzialem jak ale musialem wykonac zdjecie, ktore musialo wygladac jak wykonane w studio… wyzwanie przyjete a czy sie udalo to juz wy zadecydujecie…


Polish soldier-hero Ludwik Jaszczur.

Czasami trudno naciskać na twórców dostatecznie mocno, by chcieli się od razu pochwalić efektami swojej pracy. A później niespodzianka! Fotograf Bartek Furdal podrzucił nam ostatnio paczkę ze zdjęciami powstałymi przy okazji Mikołajek - 4.12.2022, Edinburgh.

Na zdjeciach Pan Ludwik Jaszczur Polski zolnierz - bohater walczacy w bitwie o Monte Cassino.

Polish soldier-hero Ludwik Jaszczu, (96 years old).
One of the last living Polish soldiers fighting at Monte Cassino (1944).
Ludwik Jaszczur, One of the last living Polish soldiers who fought at Monte Cassino. Friend of the legendary soldier - Wojtek the bear. Good friend of General Maczek. A man of history, a modest resident of Edinburgh (Scotland).

Ludwik Jaszczur wstąpił do 2 Korpusu Polskiego w 1943 roku po ucieczce z Niemiec. Wcześniej, w 1939 roku, gdy miał 12 lat, stracił rodziców i brata, którzy zostali zamordowani przez Niemców. Będąc nastolatkiem, przeszedł szlak bojowy 2 Korpusu Polskiego, walcząc m.in. w bitwie o Monte Cassino. Jednym z jego „towarzyszy broni” był niedźwiedź Wojtek, będący maskotką tej jednostki. „Powiem wam prawdę. To Wojtek pomógł nam wygrać II wojnę światową” - mawia do dziś pan Ludwik.

11 November 2022 Independence Day - Princess Street, Edinburgh.

Fot: Jacek Rozalski




I have decided to take a trip to Przemysl City which took unimaginable impact in a very first couple of weeks of Ukrainian - Russian Conflict. I just wanted to see the help refugees are getting and who is there to help. We’ve received massive help from local authorities. They’ve showed us exactly where to go to get the best point of view.


Postanowilem wybrac sie do Przemysla i zobaczyc na wlasne oczy jak roganizowana i udzielana jest pomoc uchodzcom z Ukrainy. Dostalem pomoc od lokalnych wladz, ktore umozliwily nam dostep do kilku w ktore chcielismy sie udac.


On the way to Przemysl and Medyka (border crossing)


W drodze do Przemysla i Mekyki (przejscie graniczne)

[ENG ]PRZEMYSL CITY - humanitarian aid center.

[PL] PRZEMYSL - Centrum pomocy humanitarnej.


діти - KIDS. There is lots of Ukrainian cars parked everywhere with this sign on the side or written on the dusty windows. It’s a message to Russian Military to not shoot as they carry kids in those cars.


діти - DZIECI. Widzimy duzo Ukrainskich samochodow z tym napisem DZIECI wymalowanych na ukurzonych szybach albo recznie napisanych kartkach - to wiadomosc dla Rosyjskich wojsk aby nie strzelali do nich bo przewoza dzieci.

діти - Dzieci - Kids

діти - Dzieci - Kids


In here they find all they need - food, place to stay, shower, clothes, free sim cards so they can call they relatives back in Ukraine or medical help. I have been told that now everything is much better organised than in first two weeks of this conflict. With help of volunteers everything goes smooth. This is a place where they will be moved further to different cities, towns or if they have they will move into their relatives staying in Poland already.


Tu znajda wszystko co potrzebne - jedzenie, schronienie, nocleg prysznic, ubrania, nowe sim karty zeby mogli kontaktowac sie z bliskimi na Ukrainie czy pomoc medyczna. Jak wszyscy przyznali organizacja na punktach jest juz duzo lepiej zorganizowana niz na samym poczatku konfliktu. Przy pomocy wolontariuszy wszystko przebiega w nalezytym porzadku. W tym miejscu beda dla nich organizowane przejazdy do innych miast badz jesli ktos ma bedzie mogl udac sie do swoich znajomych przebywajacych juz w Polsce.


German friend with Polish roots - He said: I couldn’t stay home and watch I needed to go and do something. He packed his car with free gifts from your friends, took his dog and drove all the way here to serve those in need. Nobody asked him to do it - he felt like he has to do it.


Kolega Niemiec z polskimi korzeniami powiedzial -Nie moglem na to wszystko patrzec widzac ludzi w potrzebie, musialem cos zrobic. Zapakowal busa z darami od znajomych i wraz ze swoim psem wyruszyl pod Ukranska granice. Nikt go o to nie prosil - po prostu chcial pomoc.


[PL] MEDYKA - Polsko/Ukrainskie przejscie graniczne.



[PL] Brytyjska pomoc Ukrainie

[ENG] Struggle, tears, happiness and help from everybody on the Polish side of the Border

[PL] Zmeczenie, łzy, szczescie i pomoc od kazdego po Polskiej stronie granicy.

[ENG] Scottish friend is giving fresh food Ukrainians.

[PL] Kolega ze Szkocji rozdaje swieze jedzienie Ukraincom.

[ENG] He came straight from New York to help.

[PL] Aby pomagac uchodzcom przylecial az z Nowego Jorku.

[ENG] All the way from UK to help.

[PL] Prosto z Wielkiej Brytanii a by niesc pomoc

[ENG] From Scotland.

[PL] Ze Szkocji.

[ENG] Boys from UK.

[PL] Chlopcy z Wielkiej Brytanii.

[ENG] Brother is looking after his sister while their mum is packing food.

[PL[] Brat opiekuje sie swoja siostra gdy mama pakuje jedzenie na droge.

[ENG] Great people are coming to help from all over the world - RESPECT.

[PL] Dobrzy ludzie zjezdzaja sie z calego swiata aby pomagac - SZACUNEK.






This is very important for you to know that most of help that those people receive comes from normal regular people like you - Governments do very little compare to all citizens I have met but they like to be seen as those who help most. Yes, they help but not as you think and Im not talking about Border Guards, Firemen or Police as they are amazing. Clothes, food, you name it - comes from people. Nobody will tell you that for example Germany has send vans fully packed with medical supply outdated by 2 years. SHOCKING.


Musicie wiedziec, ze pomoc, ktora jest udzielana pochodzi glownie od zwyklych ludzi. Jedzenie, ubrania pochodzi z darwo. Rzady lubia sie chwalic ze to ich zasluga ale na pewno nie moga sobie przypisac tego co robia zwykli ludzie ktorzy sie zjednoczyli z Ukraincami i pomagaja im ze wszystkich sil. Oczywiscie pomoc jest od Strazy Granicznej, Policji czy Strazy bo to jest zrozumiale ale Rzad z tego co slysze gdzie sie nie wybralem nie pomaga tak jak to opisuje. Nikt Wam nie powie, ze przywozone sa leki busami z Niemiec - szkoda ze przeterminowane po 2 lata. Niestety szokujace i prawdziwe a nigdzie Wam tego nikt nie powie - w wiadomosciach uslyszycie ze Niemcy wyslali leki na granice, masakra.

[ENG] Two Brothers with their dog.

Those images were taken in local Common-room in a local village Chotyniec few miles away from Medyka Polish - Ukrainian border. They have found safe place to stay for as long as they need. Hospitality is beyond fantastic. Food, beds, toys - some things are very basic but who would complain.

[PL] Bracia ze swoim psem

Te zdjecia wykonalem w lokalnej Swietlicy w Chotyncu kilka kilometrow od Medyki, Polsko - Ukrainskiej granicy. Tu mogli odpoczac, zjesc, ubrac sie i zostac na jak dlugo potrzebuja. Goscinnosc polska jest fantastyczna. Jedzenie, cieple lozko, zabawki - niektore rzeczy sa bardzo podstawowe ale kto by narzekal.


Most of them are women, kids and elderly people.


Wiekszosc to kobiety, dzieci oraz starcy.


Kids play like nothing happened, they fell safe.


Dzieci bawia sie jak by sie nic nie dzialo, sa bezpieczne.


Here is just short stop for them. They go to Turkey to see their family.


To tylko krotki przystanek dla nich. Docelowo chca sie udac do Turcji do rodziny.


He (they wanted to stay unanimous) was lucky as he worked in Poland for last 5 years as a Lorrie driver. Now he is staying with his daughters and grandkids. He was overwhelmed by Polish help, hospitality they received on every corner.


Chcial pozostac anjonimowy i mowil ze mial szczescie, poniewaz od 5 lat pracowal w Polsce jako kierowca ciezarowki. Teraz jest ze swoimi corkami o wnukami. Bardzo dziekowal Polakom za niesamowita pomoc jaka okazujemy na kazdym kroku.

PEOPLE'S ENERGY Commercial - Corporate Photoshoot. UK

Commercial - Corporate photoshoot for the PEOPLE’S ENERGY COMPANY, UK.

I was approached by the People’s Energy company to come and shoot some work for them. I was hired to shoot some individual & group shots, on location and the studio type.


Why me? Well, the great thing about my workflow is the fact I can create a studio environment anywhere I go and I can take my studio setup on location. Why would you take your studio setup on location? Bringing artificial light will cerainly add quality in your shots. Your images become crip and sharp. You can shoot it to look like its very natural balanced shot (nice little pop of light) or you can totally change the scene by overpowering the sun to create very dramatic and moody shots.


This time we didn’t want to go crazy ;) it was meant to be very naural on location shots…. I think we did well hehe.

Shooting for The People’s Energy company it was critical to shoot studio type shots on their premises. Why? Because this way we could save lots of time for the team. Why go to the studio when you can hire a photographer who can build one for you anywhere you want…?

I have build my setup in their spare room. It was a very simple shot and I have used one 135cm silver reflective umbrella (Phottix) with extra diffusion - camera left. I was gonna use second light as a fill or V-flat from opposite (camera right) side but instead I have used white wall. I was my decision how much fill do I need by moving my sitter away or closer to this wall. If something works I will use it.

There you have a few shots of the founders of The PEOPLE’S ENERGY.

Portraits on location. I have used one staff member to help me out by just holding my light (PROFOTO B1 - fantastic wireless unit) Profoto with an 85mm white reflective umbrella - it was placed that light travelled slightly in front of my subjects so the light will wrap their faces more evenly. I have used a smaller umbrella as it was a pretty windy day and my assistant could fly away with my light. We have placed my light beside a small tree for extra protection from high wind. Once again if you have something that could help - use it. For the group shot, we have used as a background their main building with the company’s logo - clever ;)

Please Like, comment & share

Julie & Richard

It was a privilege to photograph my friend’s wedding in the heart of Edinburgh - Royal Mile, The City Chambers, Edinburgh.

We know each other for quite some time and I cannot thank Julie & Richard enough for choosing me as their wedding photographer. I absolutely love being part of people's wedding day. It's so important to me that everyone has a fun, relaxed and memorable time, and capturing this is honestly the best job ever. For me, it’s all about the moment, the laughter and the unique atmosphere and personalities that shape a day.

Julie - The City Chambers, Edinburgh.

Would you believe that this wan NOT staged?

J&R Royal Mile, Edinburgh.

J&R Royal Mile, Edinburgh.

Where is the trick to shoot a candid, natural wedding?

If I am relaxed, calm and happy - my images will appear the same. I like to be “everywhere” but not in anyone’s face. I love to find different angles where I can quickly change my perspective or point of view - but it’s never chaotic, I have my rhythm like when you are dancing. If you have danced before to this song you know what’s gonna be the next step.

Julie & Dad.

Even a rainy day can give some character and can be magical.

“Just Married”

Family group portrait.

I love to be active and I love to change the angles when I work. This can give you a feel that there is more than one photographer…

Dance with father - you cannot pay for it with your Mastercard ;)

“Yes, it was an amazing wedding…” they said.

Thank you - please like, share & comment!!!

Have a lovely day.



LAURA & KEVIN’s wedding. GLASGOW, UK. May 2021


Columbkilles Church, Glasgow.

GIORGOS - shooting in a small studio!!!


Today I will show you how can you shoot in SMALL places.

Dzis pokaze Wam jak mozecie robic sesje zdjeciowe w malych przestrzeniach.


I’m often asked to shoot musicians, artists, actors etc. usually at the back of the stage, changing rooms or even stairways - Yes, it happened before I had to shoot Polish rock star in the middle of stairways - it had to look like it was done in the studio. No problem ;)


Czesto jestem proszony aby wykonac zdjecia muzykom, artystom, aktorom itp. za zwyczaj gdzies za kulisami, w przebieralni, VIP-room’ie, czy nawet klatce schodowej - dokladnie, wykonalem nawet zdjecie Grzegorza Markowskiego (PERFECT) na klatce schodowej - w kazdym przypadku musialo to wygladac jak zdjecie ze studio. Zadnego probemu


I did a quick photoshoot with my friend Giorgos. I love how he has grown his hair & I thought I will shoot some fresh work. We have started with some portraits in my tiny studio…


Postanowilem zrobic mala sesja z moim kolega Giorgos, spodobalo mi sie jak zapuscil wlosy i pomyslalem ze fajnie bylo by zrobic cos swiezego. Zaczelismy od kilku portretow w moim malutkim studio…


…. you know my style, I like to play a lot with deep dark shadows to create a very dramatic look. Now with a lot of practice, I like to concentrate more on the subject rather than LIGHTING - by now I just know how to place my light/lights. I usually work with one, two lights & the reflectors/flags.


….zapewne juz znacie moj styl, lubie bawic sie swiatlem i glebokimi cieniami aby uzyskac dramatyczne portrety. Takie zastosowanie swietnie dziala w przypadku fotografowaniu mezczyzn. Po kilku latach praktyki wole skupic sie na osobie ktora fotograuje zamiast na oswietleniu - po prostu juz wiem gdzie i jak ustawic swiatlo/swiatla. Za zwyczja pracuje z jednym badz dwoma swiatlami i blendami czy flagami.

[ENG] one of the final image…

[PL] jedno ze zdjec finalowych…

[ENG] …this is what you don’t see ;)

[PL] …a to czego zazwyczaj nie widzsz ;}


Griorgos rides a motorbike. I drove past this older Kawasaki 650 the other day and I have asked the owner if we could use it as a prop for a few environmental portraits. He kindly agreed so we had a green light to shoot some more stuff. The only problem was the fact we couldn’t move this motorbike…. well, we didn’t and here you have some images from this quick shoot…


Giorgos jezdzi na motocyklu. Pewnego dnia przejezdzalem kolo starszego motocykla - KAWASAKI 650. Postanowilem zapytac wlasciciela czy nie mial by nic przeciwko jak bym wrocil i zrobil kilka zdjec przy jego motocyklu. Zgodzil sie pod jednym warunkiem - nie moglismy go ruszyc… a wiec, udalo sie a ty macie kilka zdjec z naszej na prawde szybkiej sesji…


it’s funny when the neighbour saw us planning the photo shoot. She said It’s not a very glamorous place to do anything… well now you can see how you can direct everything - a model, light to create something totally opposite (I think)…


Zabawne bylo kiedy sasiadka widziala nas planujacych sesje kilka dni wczesniej i troche nasmiewalala sie z nas ze wybralismy sobie nie zbyt piekne miejscie na nasza sesja - sami mozecie osadzic jak nam poszlo. Kierujac odpowiednio swiatlo i podpowadajac naszemu modelowi co mniej wiecej ma zrobic chyba udalo sie sprostac zadaniu… (przynajmniej ja tak mysle)


Little selection from our Quick photoshoot…


Mala selsekcja zdjec ktore wybralismy z naszej szybkiej sesji…


One single Profoto B1 with Profoto Beauty-Dish white classic 45-degree in-front above (for a more dramatic look)


JEdno swiatlo Profoto B1 + bialy Beauty Dish ustawiony 45 stopni z przodu i troche z gory modela (dla bardziej dramatycznego wygladu)


One Profoto B1 from in-front and above to the left + Profoto A1x from behind to the left of the frame to mimic back sunlight.


PROFOTO B1 ustawiony 45 stopni z przodu i troche z gory modela z lewej strony kadru + PROFOTO A1x za modelem z lewej strony kadru aby odzwieciedlic slonce padajace zza modela.


One Profoto A1x light from behind to the left of the frame.


Profoto A1x ustawione za modelem z lewej strony kadu.


Whatever you do have lots of fun…


Cokolwiek robisz nie zapomnij dobrze sie bawic…


Kym & Alex - Engagement photoshoot (Lifestyle)


Wha’s the secret to a successful photoshoot? 

It doesn’t matter if its, engagement, commercial, lifestyle - it is all about the fun… yes, it’s that simple… and yes I really enjoy doing it. I enjoy every kind of photography, building stories around my subjects makes me really creative and makes me wont to shoot more and more.

It’s fun, telling jokes, making everybody comfortable not with the camera but with you - this is what we call the TRUST. 


Jaki jest sekret w udanej sesji fotograficznej?

Nie wazne czy jest to sesja komercyjna, produktowa, moda czy typu Lifestyle - najwazniejsze zeby sie dobrze bawic… tak, nic innego. To sie przeklada na kazdy kadr. Uwielbiam kazdy rodzaj fotografii, sekretem jest umiejetnosc stworzenia historii dookola tematu jakm sie zajmujemy. Gdzies w podswiadomosci zawsze buduje kolejne zdjecia ktore za chwile staja sie realne - to powoduje, ze chce fotografowac wiecej i wiecej.

Podczas sesji nie moze zabraknac dobrej zabawy, zartow zawlaszcza podczas takiej sesji. Na sesji zwlaszcza typu LIFESTYLE (w tym przypadku narzeczenskiej)  kluczem jest aby wszyscy czuli sie komortowo przed aparatem.


…natural, candid, soft & light style. This is my way to shoot it…


…naturalne, szczere, delikatne kadry - tak okresle moj styl…

"What-ever our souls are made of,

his and mine are the same."

"The best compliment you can give is a referral, thank you!"

"Najlepszym komplementem, jaki możesz dać, jest polecenie, dziękuję!"





This was a very special and magical Wedding.

The most amazing couple Megan and Paul have decided to push through all the restrictions due to COVID and to get married. They had to cut down the numbers of their guest to the minimum. That day nothing would stop them to get say YES.


To bylo bardzo magiczne wesele

Megan i Paul zdecydowali sie na swoje wesele pomimo obowiazujacych restrykcji i obostrzen spowodowanych COVID’em. Zrezygnowali z gosci do totalnego minimum, tego dnia nic ich mie moglo zatrzymac.


…in the morning they received a message from the place where they booked in for their reception and meal that one of the chefs got tested POSITIVE for Covid so they had to cancel all the bookings. I haven’t seen Bride so calm and relaxed on her big day. Few phones call later through their friend they have managed to book a restaurant for a meal. Nothing would stop those guys on that day…


…z samego rana otrzymali wiadomosc z restauracji w ktorej mieli spedzic swoj wieczor, ze jeden z kucharzy mial test pozytywny na COVID. Musieli wiec niestety odmowic wszystkich rezerwacji. Jeszcze sie nie spotkalem aby panna mloda byla tak opanowana i zrelaksowana. Kilka telefonow po znajomych i okazalo sie ze znajoma restauracja chetnie ich przyjmie na kolacje. Tego dnia nic by im nie przeszkodzilo..


…I really enjoy the simple, candid shots. I hardly ever force people to do THIS and THAT. It is my job to SEE those moments. For me, it is crucial to blend in with all the guests, get them to feel that you are acting as a guest with a camera, not a hired photographer - then the all magic happens. Images are coming to me in a very natural way. What I do, I try to find the way how to link the best images in my final story…

P.s. There is always the time when I will slightly direct my subject - see the portraits/headshots. It needs to be done at the right moment with gentle suggestions & really quick. Portraits were done on a plain background in one of the rooms using natural light - “Simply Beautiful”


…uwielbiam proste, szczere kadry. NIgdy nie wymagam czy wymuszam na nikim niczego moge jedynie zasugerowac (ale tylko w odpowiednich momentach. Moim darem (oprocz fotografii) jest zdolosc do zdobywania sympatii wiekszosci gosci, dzieki czemu zawsze traktuja mnie jak jednego z gosci, ktory akurat przyniosl ze soba aparat fotograficzny na impreze weselna hehehe. Kadry same wowczas wpadaja mi w rece…

P.s. Oczywiscie zawsze jest czas, kiedy pomagam przy ustawieniu gosci - wszystko jednak odbywa sie bardzo zrecznie i delikatnie. Takie formalne zdjecia badz portrety (jak wyzej) musza byc wykonane szybko , zrecznie i delikatnie ze smakiem i bez wywierania presji. Np Portrety zostaly wykonane w jednym z pokoji ktory mial akurat jednolia sciana przy wykorzystaniu naturalnego swiatla padajacego z okna.


I always say there is a time to do something creative, artistic - doesn’t matter if its a wedding or commercial photoshoot. It is funny because we never know what will that be hehe. Both of the pictures above have a hidden message.

The Rings, they represent Megan and Paul and they wedding day, love etc but…. Megan & Paul have decided to get married on the East Coast of Scotland near St Andrews. Piece of wood represents raw Scottish Coast line, left side of the image (the out of focus side) to me looks like a sea. The Rings - Megan & Paul. This is like an exact map of the place they got married.

Second image was taken spontaneously. When I was building the final story I counted the petals on this image - I was speechless as it happens that its exactly the same number as the number of the guests on their wedding. Both images work extremely well together - I love them.


Zawsze podczas sesji weselnej, komercyjnej czy spaceru rodzinnego jest czas na cos kreatywnego, artystycznego. Najsmieszniejsze jest to, ze nigdy nie jestesmy w stanie przewidziec co to bedzie hehe Oba zdjecia powyzej maja ukryte przeslanie.

Obraczki, wiadomo reprezentuja mloda para, milosc itp ale… Megan & Paul postanowili wziasc slub na Wschodnim wybrzezu Szkocji niedaleko St Andrews. Drewniany kawalek stolu, o ktory sie akurat opieralem uzylem aby zrobic zdjecie obraczek. Zdjecie wykonane z lotu ptaka wyglada mapa miejsca ,w ktorym Megan i Paul (obraczki) stoja na kilfach Szkockiego wybrzeza.

Drugie zdjecie wykonalem badzo spontanicznie - stojac i czekajac na Panna Mloda zrobilem zdjecie myslac w podswiadomosci ze moze sie przydac, takie inne zdjecie - czemu nie. Jak sie okazalo pozniej przy przegladaniu kadrow, okazalo sie ze na owym zdjeciu liczba gosci zgadza sie z liczba platkow - WOW. Idealnie komponuja sie zestawione razem - uwielbiam je.

A perfect marriage is just two imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other.
The best compliment you can give is a referral, thank you
Najlepszym komplementem, jaki możesz dać, jest polecenie, dziękuję





…z Markiem znalismy sie od dluzszego czasu a wlasciwie od kiedy pamietam. Zrzylismy sie jednak dzieki fotografii. Byl niesamowicie pozytywna osoba ktora miala niekonczace poklady energii (zwlaszcza jesli chodzilo o fotografie). Zawsze rozmawialismy o fotografii jak sie spotykalismy. Moglismy tak gadac o migawkach, przeslonach, cieniach czy projektach bez konca.

Zdjecia powstaly podczas realizacji mojego autorskiego projektu w moim rodzinnym Naleczowie. Spedzilismy duzo czasu na rozmowie oczywiscie o aparatach fotograficznych, lapmach blyskowych zdjecia zajely nam znacznie mniej czasu heheh. Miedzy czasie przychodzili jego studenci, wypytywali o rozne rzeczy, zawsze pogodny i usmiechniety sluzyl pomoca. Swietnie wypelnial Naleczowski krajobraz swoja osobowoscia - bedzie mi brakowalo “MAKA”.

Niezmiernie sie ciesze, ze moglem CIe uchwycic MAKU w swoich kardach. Jeszcze kiedys sie spotkamy na sesji przyjacielu.

Personal work.


Im wondering what you do when you want to rest, chill-out?

Do you go to SPA, ride a bike/motorbike, go for a run or maybe a long bath - anything else?

I take my camera and I go for a walk. Working as a photographer you need to stay creative you need to adopt to the new places, you need to “see” things, see the light - maybe this is not a mind blowing what you see but for me this is an excellent time to re-set yourself. It’s nice to have small projects - not a lot of editing (perfect). It wasn’t ideal time of the day (10-11am) but you work with what you have - no complains.

Perfect conditions to go and chill out with my camera. I was staying in this lovely village in NW part of Poland, 70km from Baltic Sea - Kluczewo, Near Koszalin & Szczecin. New place, new people, new buildings… new story.


Zastanawiam sie w jaki sposob wypoczywacie?

Chodzicie do SPA, jezdzicie na rowerze/motorze, moze biegacie a moze dluga kapiel bedzie Twoim wyborem - moze cos innego?

Ja uwielbiam spacer z aparatem. Maly godzinny spacer i mini projekt w Kluczewie, malej wsi w Polnocno - Zachodzniej Polsce niedaleko Koszalina i Szczecina. Nowe miejsce nowe obiekty nowi ludzie - czas na spacer, “dostrzeganie” swiatla i poszukiwanie kadrow. Idealnie bylo by wyjsc wczesniej z rana albo poznym popoludniem a nie o 10-11 rano, no ale nie narzekamy.

Jurek, Kluczewo 2020. Natural light. ISO 160, f/4, 1/800.


It’s very natural for me that I walk around and I talk to strangers. We talk about everything depend on the person. Some people like to share their stories sometimes I explain what I do and why I do what I do. I like to talk to people and in some point I just ask - Would you mind if I will take a nice portrait of you!!! 9 out of 10 they will agree.

Have you ever try to take a portrait of stranger? Try it, its not as easy as you can imagine…


Uwielbiam spacery i rozmawy z ludzmi. Kazda rozmowa jest inna, kazda opowiedziana historia jest inna i to jest swietne. Ludzie sami chetnie dziela sie swoimi opowiesciami czasem ja opowiadam czym sie zajmuje i co i dlaczego robie to co robie. Dzieki rozmowie buduje sie zaufanie a zaufanie to mozliwosci - dla mnie to mozliwosc zbudowania takiej relacji dzieki ktorej jestem w stanie wykonac portret.

Probowliscie kiedys zrobic zdjecie neznajomej osobie? Sproujcie, nie jest to takie proste jak Wam sie wydaje…


Little (1h) walk around the Village.

Wanda, Kluczewo 2020. Natural light. ISO160, f/5.6, 1/1000.


Behind the Scenes. Sesja wizerunkowa od zaplecza.


Tym razem opisze Wam jak powstala sesja wizerunkowa dla Asi, ktora jest projektantka wnetrz (click i zobaczysz jej prace) Warunkiem bylo aby powstaly zdjecia, ktore Asia mogla by uzyc na swojej stronie internetowej, mediach społecznościowych oraz całym PR. Po konsultacji doszlismy do wniosku, ze fajnie by bylo stworzyc taki pakiet kilku roznych zdjec zeby mozna bylo je swobodnie wymieniac, zastepowac czy uzywac w zaleznosci od kontekstu publikacji, wywiadu itp - najbardziej spodobal man sie pomysl stworzenia sesji w jej srodowisku niekoniecznie chodzilo tu o typowe zdjecie “za biurkiem”. Wybralismy jedna z realizacji Asi jako “tło” do naszej sesji. Niewykonczony w pełni dom jednego z Asi klientow przypadl nam do gustu i byl w zasiegu reki. Meble w paczkach, puste sciany, niezagospodarowana przestrzen byla idealna.


This time I will take you behind the scenes with me so you can see/experience how I did this image for Joanna, interior designer. After pre-consultation, we both decided that we will need a selection of nice positive, images that we would like to use for her Website, social media, PR/Marketing or publications. We did not want the standard “behind the desk”, formal images and we have chosen to use one of her projects (unfurnished house) as a background to our shots. Lovely new build house with great empty space was a great choice.



Jak w przypadku wiekszosci przypadkow podczas naszej sesji byl moment kiedy mielismy wykonane “safe shots” czyli takie zdjecia ktore sobie zalozylismy ze je wykonamy i przychodzi ten moment kiedy zostalo troche czasu na “sprobowanie” czegos innego. Asia zajela sie rozmowa ze swoja klientka/kolezanka, wlascicielka domu. W tym czasie z Pawlem moim asystentem postanowilismy sporbowac “odtworzyc” zachod slonca i to pieknne miekkie slonce wpadajace przez ramie w strone aparatu. Slonce schowalo sie za drzewami za horyzontem ale nie bylo jeszcze ciemno.


Like during most of my photoshoots there is a space to try something now or something of the list that could benefit you and your client, worth to try for sure. We have covered “safe shots” from our brief so this was a perfect time. Joanna was chatting with her client/friend - owner of this property and I took my assistant - Pawel and we have decided to recreate the sunset, this lovely golden hour with nice soft flare. Real sun just went behind the trees over the horizon.


Zdjecia zrobione aparatem NIKON D800 + 24-70mm f/2.8 NIKKOR. ISO 200, 52mm, f/2.8, 1/125. Do odtworzenia slonca uzylem bezprzewodowej lampy firmy PROFOTO B1 w trybie manualnym (metoda prob i bledow). Lampa byla ustawione ok 2m za plecami mojej modelki oraz byla skierowana w moim kierunku. Lampa PROFOTO miala odtworzyc zachodzace slonce i wpadajace prosto w moj obiektyw. Ja wykonujac zdjecie musialem tak kadrowac aby Lampa byla tuz poza kadrem. Zauwazcie ze stoimy ok 2m od drzwi taracu - okno tarasowe robi nam za wielki wielka blenda wypelniajaca nam cienie.


Shot on my NIKON D800 + 24-70mm f/2.8 NIKKOR. ISO 200, 52mm, f/2.8, 1/125. To recreate the sunset I have used PROFOTO B1 in manual mode placed around 2m behind my model pointing at me so it could get lens flare. I was balancing my frame in the way the PROFOTO light was just outside the frame. I have used massive window behind me as a fill.


PO LEWEJ - finalowe zdjecie po obrobce z dodanymi cieplymi tonami VS zdjecie prosto z aparatu.


LEFT - final retouched image with added warm tone to recreate sunset VS straight from the camera.

TEST SHOT with my Assistant

TEST SHOT with my Assistant

Kilka wybranych zdjec.

Few selected images.

Joannas work - click here: CLICK


Please if you enjoyed it or you want to see more of Behind the scene leave the comment below😎




Tym razem sesja fotograficzna dla mojego znajomego Bartka. Znamy sie juz od dawna. tak sie zlozylo ze mamy bardzo podobne klasyki. Ja mam Opla Rekorda C z 1971 roku w wersji 2-door. Bartek jest w posiadaniu Opla Commodore A w wersji GS (Coupe) z 1966 roku.

Bartek jest projektantem wnetrz i przez ostatnie 5-6 lat powiecal kazda wolna chwile na prace remontowe przy Commo. Sami zobaczcie czy sie oplacalo. Auto nie jest jeszcze skonczone ale to juz ostatnia prosta…


This time I got to photograph my good friends beautifully restored 1966 Opel Commodore GS 🚗 The idea to do it came over a few minutes.

We know each other for probably around 18years. We both have the same passion for classic cars and we both drive very similar cars. He


Bartek has a very unique car - it is a 1966 Opel Commodore GS 2500cm 6 cylinder with 4 shifts gearbox😏 He has spent over 5-6 years restoring it. Bartosz is an interior designer and after work, he went straight into the garage where he spent long hours with help from his friends. I think it was worth it. Well, I will let you decide. Just so you know the car is not finished yet but it’s on a finishing line….


Pomysl byl calkiem prosty - zainspirowany Bartka pasja do klasykow powstal projekt ktory mielismy zaprezentowac tak jak bysmy robili sesje w stylu LIFESTYLE - EDITORIAL - REKLAMA/MARKETING.


The idea was pretty simple - inspired by Bartek’s story I have decided to shoot a small project and to treat it like a LIFESTYLE - EDITORIAL - ADVERTISING photoshoot.


Co jest wazne podczas takiej sesji? Cos do fotografowania, dobra historia i pozytywna energia. Wszystko zagralo jak powinno. Pamietajcie, najwazniejsze podas takich sesji jest aby bezwarunkowo DOBRZE SIE BAWIC!!!


What is important when you do such photoshoot? Good subject, good jokes and positive energy. When you shoot remember one thing that is crucial - HAVE FUN!!!


Shot on my NIKON D800 with my PROFOTO B1 with double diffused Mid-size Softbox (I haven’t used it for a while). I have decided to shoot this project with one lens only. Why? Because I wanted to focus on the story, not on the fact I have to “find a frame.” My frame was fixed on 50mm. The aperture was between f/2 - f3.5.

Bartosz - Happy owner!!!


There is nothing more satisfying than the fact you did most of this work by yourself - RESPECT!!!

Please if you enjoyed it or you want to see more of Behind the scene leave the comment below😎



I’ve met Kenny while I was working on my own car at friends garage. We got the same idea - as we are all locked down we have lots of “free” time in our hands - let’s do some work on our cars 🚗


Kenny is the happy owner of this VW BEETLE from 69’. This car was in his family since 1969 but it has been parked for over 20 years on the driveway. Unfortunately Kenny’s father has passed away recently and he never managed to put this car back into the original shape. It would be silly to get rid of it so decision was clear - full restoration time!!!😏


It happens that we have had something in common. I own Classic Car as well - Opel Rekord C 1971. It was his father dream and he decided to take over and finish the project. I was nicely surprised by Kenny and his idea of giving a new life into the VW BEETLE.

The idea was pretty simple - inspired by Kenny’s story I have decided to shoot small project and to treat it like a LIFESTYLE - EDITORIAL - ADVERTISING photoshoot.


I must say it was real joy to shoot it. Obviously I had some obstacles and problems - being creative you do not actually think there is a problem. You just carry on and change/adapt things around so you can move on. Those “PROBLEMS” are key factors when you want to progress and develop new ways to shoot.


Due to CORONAVIRUS I had to keep my distance and I had to work on my own but was it a problem? Not at all when you know what you are doing. You need to know how to set up the shoot yourself before you will get to work with the team.


Because it was a small compact shoot I wasn’t shooting tether and during this very sunny day could be very useful thing to have beside you.

Few Behind the scene images for you so you will get the idea.

Shot on my NIKON D800 with my PROFOTO B1 with double diffused Octabox. Most of my shots were done with 50mm f/1.4

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.8, 1/4000 Kenny as a portable C-Stand. Octabox was placed exactly above & slightly in-front of the engine. I cannot imagine to shoot it on any other light than PROFOTO (personal preferences) easy to set up easy to control = ea…

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.8, 1/4000

Kenny as a portable C-Stand. Octabox was placed exactly above & slightly in-front of the engine. I cannot imagine to shoot it on any other light than PROFOTO (personal preferences) easy to set up easy to control = easy life.

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320Final set up was slightly different - Octabox was placed on the right hand side on the same hight so it can look like a sun gets through the back of the car and the black card is actually white on the other side was placed…

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320

Final set up was slightly different - Octabox was placed on the right hand side on the same hight so it can look like a sun gets through the back of the car and the black card is actually white on the other side was placed beside the doors much lower to bounce some of this back light back onto Kenny’s face. Even is was really sunny day I had to “help” the sun as it was around 2pm and I needed this sun to be much lower. Than you shoot into the light but I had to watch out so the light is just on the edge of the frame.

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320 - Do not forget to have fun while shooting 😏😏😏

ISO 100, 50mm, f/2.2, 1/320 - Do not forget to have fun while shooting 😏😏😏

Behind the scenes - this was our location. You can see it was a very sunny midday. We did it in between 1-3pm. Profoto was placed high on the C-Stand pointing on the back of my subject. In the final set up it was much closer just under the roof and …

Behind the scenes - this was our location. You can see it was a very sunny midday. We did it in between 1-3pm. Profoto was placed high on the C-Stand pointing on the back of my subject. In the final set up it was much closer just under the roof and blue fabric that you can see on the left imaged. Depend on the position of my subject it went from left top corner to right one.

Please if you enjoyed it or you want to see more of Behind the scene leave the comment below😎



Some time ago I was commissioned by Julie Brown the owner of The Source Clinic in Edinburgh.

My job was to build the content for her Newly opened Beauty Clinic that could be used for the website, PR, Marketing and future publications. Simple? or not really!?!

It was very important to shoot various angles of inside and outside of the Clinic. Architecture, sign, doors, hall, reception area, product, facilities and the owner. With this kind of jobs, you need to stay focus and you need to go with the plan to make sure you will cover everything. Make a list of everything you need to shoot, on paper or mobile - doesn’t matter. When you will cover your list from top to bottom - shoot some extra stuff, details or just try something else out - like a different angle etc.

Below you have some shots I took for the Clinic. To be honest I love such jobs because you build the whole promotional content but I like to shoot it like a story with clients eyes. First, you see the place from outside (architecture shot), then maybe they will look at the sign (kind of detail shot), you open the doors and you have a hallway and the reception (interior & architecture), now you see someone at the reception desk with the smile (environmental portrait with flash) etc… you get the idea.


Now you can see how my images work for the business. Publications, Social Media, Web.

Below you can see few Behind The Scenes images

Equipment used: Nikon D800, 85mm f\1.4, 24-70mm f/2.8, Manfrotto Tripod, PROFOTO B1 Light + Large reflective umbrella with diffuser (to recreate nice soft window light on a grey day)


Let me know if there is anyone that you know who might need similar work done

…after COVID-19 will go somewhere else…
