Personal work.


Im wondering what you do when you want to rest, chill-out?

Do you go to SPA, ride a bike/motorbike, go for a run or maybe a long bath - anything else?

I take my camera and I go for a walk. Working as a photographer you need to stay creative you need to adopt to the new places, you need to “see” things, see the light - maybe this is not a mind blowing what you see but for me this is an excellent time to re-set yourself. It’s nice to have small projects - not a lot of editing (perfect). It wasn’t ideal time of the day (10-11am) but you work with what you have - no complains.

Perfect conditions to go and chill out with my camera. I was staying in this lovely village in NW part of Poland, 70km from Baltic Sea - Kluczewo, Near Koszalin & Szczecin. New place, new people, new buildings… new story.


Zastanawiam sie w jaki sposob wypoczywacie?

Chodzicie do SPA, jezdzicie na rowerze/motorze, moze biegacie a moze dluga kapiel bedzie Twoim wyborem - moze cos innego?

Ja uwielbiam spacer z aparatem. Maly godzinny spacer i mini projekt w Kluczewie, malej wsi w Polnocno - Zachodzniej Polsce niedaleko Koszalina i Szczecina. Nowe miejsce nowe obiekty nowi ludzie - czas na spacer, “dostrzeganie” swiatla i poszukiwanie kadrow. Idealnie bylo by wyjsc wczesniej z rana albo poznym popoludniem a nie o 10-11 rano, no ale nie narzekamy.

Jurek, Kluczewo 2020. Natural light. ISO 160, f/4, 1/800.


It’s very natural for me that I walk around and I talk to strangers. We talk about everything depend on the person. Some people like to share their stories sometimes I explain what I do and why I do what I do. I like to talk to people and in some point I just ask - Would you mind if I will take a nice portrait of you!!! 9 out of 10 they will agree.

Have you ever try to take a portrait of stranger? Try it, its not as easy as you can imagine…


Uwielbiam spacery i rozmawy z ludzmi. Kazda rozmowa jest inna, kazda opowiedziana historia jest inna i to jest swietne. Ludzie sami chetnie dziela sie swoimi opowiesciami czasem ja opowiadam czym sie zajmuje i co i dlaczego robie to co robie. Dzieki rozmowie buduje sie zaufanie a zaufanie to mozliwosci - dla mnie to mozliwosc zbudowania takiej relacji dzieki ktorej jestem w stanie wykonac portret.

Probowliscie kiedys zrobic zdjecie neznajomej osobie? Sproujcie, nie jest to takie proste jak Wam sie wydaje…


Little (1h) walk around the Village.

Wanda, Kluczewo 2020. Natural light. ISO160, f/5.6, 1/1000.



Some time ago I was commissioned by Julie Brown the owner of The Source Clinic in Edinburgh.

My job was to build the content for her Newly opened Beauty Clinic that could be used for the website, PR, Marketing and future publications. Simple? or not really!?!

It was very important to shoot various angles of inside and outside of the Clinic. Architecture, sign, doors, hall, reception area, product, facilities and the owner. With this kind of jobs, you need to stay focus and you need to go with the plan to make sure you will cover everything. Make a list of everything you need to shoot, on paper or mobile - doesn’t matter. When you will cover your list from top to bottom - shoot some extra stuff, details or just try something else out - like a different angle etc.

Below you have some shots I took for the Clinic. To be honest I love such jobs because you build the whole promotional content but I like to shoot it like a story with clients eyes. First, you see the place from outside (architecture shot), then maybe they will look at the sign (kind of detail shot), you open the doors and you have a hallway and the reception (interior & architecture), now you see someone at the reception desk with the smile (environmental portrait with flash) etc… you get the idea.


Now you can see how my images work for the business. Publications, Social Media, Web.

Below you can see few Behind The Scenes images

Equipment used: Nikon D800, 85mm f\1.4, 24-70mm f/2.8, Manfrotto Tripod, PROFOTO B1 Light + Large reflective umbrella with diffuser (to recreate nice soft window light on a grey day)


Let me know if there is anyone that you know who might need similar work done

…after COVID-19 will go somewhere else…




Building Professional portfolio for a model can be really challenging. I think the most important thing is that you both have to work together and understand each other. You have to find the best angles in your subject. The same for the other side. Fabiana worked extremly to make it happen. We worked together on various occasions shooting for a GlamCandy Make Up academy based in Scotland with massive help of students, academy and few stylists.

Meet Fabiana, she is not signed with any modeling agency yet but I hope not for long …